NEWS RELEASE                                                                                                    MAY 2016

Asian Purchasers will drive the $5.6 Billion Cleanroom Hardware Market

In 2017, suppliers of cleanroom hardware will be paid over $5.6 billion by semiconductor, pharmaceutical and other operators of cleanrooms around the world.  Over 2.3 million people will be working in cleanrooms. This is the latest forecast in N6F World Cleanroom Markets.


East Asia will be the regional leader with three times the revenue in NAFTA.  This is due to the concentration of semiconductor, memory and flat panel display manufacturing in the region.  The NAFTA market share is mostly due to its leading position in pharmaceutical manufacturing.

As of December 2015, Taiwan led all regions/countries in wafer capacity with nearly 22 percent of worldwide IC capacity installed in the country. Taiwan surpassed South Korea in 2015 to become the largest capacity holder after having passed Japan in 2011. China became a larger wafer capacity holder than Europe for the first time in 2010.

Mobile devices and wearable electronics are accounting for much of the cleanroom growth. Gartner, Inc. forecasts that 274.6 million wearable electronic devices will be sold worldwide in 2016, an increase of 18.4 percent from 232.0 million units in 2015.  Sales of wearable electronic devices will generate revenue of $28.7 billion in 2016.  Of that, $11.5 billion will be from smart watches.

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