NEWS RELEASE                                                                                        NOVEMBER 2016

Market for Air Filtration Media, Resins Adhesives, Fibers, Coatings and Binders to Exceed $1.75 Billion by 2021

The market for HVAC and gas turbine inlet filters will exceed $7 billion in 2021. The element producers will spend $3.5 billion for media, end caps, netting and adhesives.  The media suppliers will spend $1.75 billion for resins, fibers, coatings, and adhesives. This is the latest forecast in Air Filtration & Purification Market.

This forecast covers just stationary sources.  The low efficiency filter market is growing slowly, whereas the medium efficiency and high efficiency markets are showing robust growth.


Instead of starting with resins and media production and analyzing the growth in each industry, it is desirable to start with the end users and determine their future demand requirements.  McIlvaine is pursuing this approach in all its filtration market reports.

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