NEWS RELEASE                                                                                                                JULY 2013

Ultrapure Water Revenues to Reach $4.4 Billion in 2014

Suppliers of ultrapure water hardware and consumables will generate revenues of $4.4 billion in 2014. The power industry will be the largest purchaser. These are the conclusions reached in Ultrapure Water World Markets, a continually updated publication of the McIlvaine Company.


Industry Totals




Coal-fired Power




Flat Panel


Gas Turbines


Industrial Power


Other Industries





Worldwide Totals





Ultrapure water is needed to create the steam in a coal-fired power plant. The development of ultra supercritical boilers with very high pressures and temperatures has increased the purity requirements. The ultrapure water system includes a series of filtration, purification and degassing steps. Special materials are required to ensure that no contamination is created in the processing. Consumables such as replacement membranes and ion-exchange resins are needed.

There has been a recent trend toward electrodeionization as a replacement for ion-exchange. The elimination of cleaning chemicals and the replacement resins is advantageous from both an operating and environmental perspective.

East Asia is a fast growing market. There are many new semiconductor plants. China will install more new coal-fired boilers each year than all of Europe, Africa and the Americas combined.   Major pharmaceutical companies are establishing generics manufacturing in China and other East Asian countries.


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