NEWS RELEASE                                                                                                                JULY 2013

Sedimentation & Centrifugation World Market Revenues to Exceed $8.5 Billion By 2017

Sales of centrifuges, clarifiers, dissolved air flotation units and hydrocyclones will exceed $8.5 billion in 2017. This is the forecast by McIlvaine Company in Sedimentation/Centrifugation World Markets.

                     ($ Millions)     

World Region










 East Asia


 Eastern Europe


 Middle East




 South & Central America


 West Asia


 Western Europe


East Asia will lead the way with purchases of $3.3 billion. China is installing large numbers of municipal wastewater and municipal drinking water plants. A decade ago, China’s secondary wastewater treatment capacity was less than 10,000 mgd compared to 38,000 mgd in the U.S. Today, the capacity is more than 30,000 mgd while the U.S. capacity has risen to 40,000 mgd. However, since China has four times as many citizens, as does the U.S., its treatment capacity per capita is still only 20 percent of that in the U.S.

One of the new developments in China is to bring the product manufacture to the people rather than the people to the product manufacture. Until recently, large manufacturing facilities have been concentrated in large coastal cities. The reason was the easy access to ship transport. This concentration of manufacturing created a large migration of workers from rural areas. The resulting need for drinking water and sewage treatment were substantial.

Recently, the trend has started to shift toward locating new manufacturing facilities in the center and western regions of China. Russia, Kazakhstan and other countries along the rail routes to Europe are upgrading their train tracks and promoting rail shipment.

This new development will reduce the need for treatment facilities in Eastern China and slow the overall wastewater treatment demand.

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