NEWS RELEASE                                                                                                        SEPTEMBER 2013

Complex Mercury Decisions for Power, Cement and Waste-to-Energy Plants Are Simplified With GDPS

The U.S. and China have new laws requiring power plants to reduce mercury. Many countries have laws governing mercury reduction from waste-to-energy power plants and certain other sources. The U.S. has also just issued requirements for industrial boilers and cement plants.

The technology selection necessitates utilization of a number of decision trees and a route which includes some back tracking. Obtaining the right sequence and utilizing decision trees with all the needed fruit will ensure the best decision.

Mercury Reduction Global Decisions Positioning System™ (GDPS)


The Mercury Reduction Global Decisions Positioning System™ (GDPS) is a route map to the right sequence of decision trees in the Global Decisions Orchard. The potential cost of mercury reduction forces a decision as to whether to retire the plant. The next decision tree stop will be Particulate. The reason is that any mercury decision involves the particulate control technology. This is so complex that even U.S. EPA is confused.

Because uncontrolled mercury emissions are virtually all gases, the regulation only requires stack measurement of mercury gas emissions. Many of the control schemes rely on converting mercury to a particulate form and then capturing it. The result is that significant percentages of the emissions are in the particulate state.

There are considerations relative to the parallel need to reduce SO2, HCl, NOx and cadmium. There are implications relative to wastewater quality and solids by-products.

The Mercury Reduction GDPS is a continually updated system which is designed for the power plant decision maker. Mercury Air Reduction Markets is a guide and strategic planning tool for suppliers.

If you are an employee of a power, waste-to-energy, or cement plant and would like free access to the Mercury Reduction GDPS, just provide your title and e-mail and send to;This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.with this message. “Please provide access to the Mercury Reduction Global Decisions Positioning System™”.

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