Precipitator Market to Level Off in 2015
Electrostatic precipitator owners will spend $15 billion on new systems and repairs of existing systems in 2015. This will represent no increase over 2014. This is the latest prediction in the McIlvaine publication, Electrostatic Precipitator World Market.
Despite the very sizable $5 billion expenditure for new systems in East Asia, it is this sector which will be smaller than 2014.
China utilizes electrostatic precipitators on most new coal-fired power plants. In the past, there have been years when China constructed electrostatic precipitators to handle 70,000 MW of generation capacity. In 2015, the total will be only 55,000 MW and will fall to 20,000 MW/yr over the next few years.
This is assuming the Chinese do not switch to fabric filters for particulate control. New particulate regulations will make it difficult to meet the limits with precipitators. Major forecast changes will be necessary if any massive switch is undertaken.
There is a $7 billion market for repairs and service which is going to increase at 5 percent per year over the short term. In addition to standard repairs, there are significant upgrade expenditures to meet tighter emission limits. In the U.S., there are installations of dry sorbent injection (DSI) where the SO2 reacts with lime or sodium compounds in the ductwork. The resulting sulfates are captured in the precipitator. The sodium tends to lower resistivity and, therefore, to increase precipitator efficiency. The lime injection can increase resistivity and lower precipitator efficiency. With high SO2 levels, the quantity of sulfate equals that of the flyash. So, even if precipitator efficiency remains constant, the total particulate will double. Precipitators are being upgraded to prevent an increase in emissions.
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